Kunst or the degradation of art:
great to find groups that make music not only saying "we do this
because this is what we feel", but creating their music as a
complete idea, a cultural and artistic product known,and as a result,
from their knowledge of art.
Some could say they're stranges, but while bands like Entartete Kunst
the rock band concept will survive.
-They're from Barcelona, formed in 1996, althought
their sound shows that it doesn't matter where are they from.They
do something like dark electropop, with a bit of no wave, a bit of
after punk, some of sinister tecno pop and something that we can call
"melodic ebm", but they are quite approachables, and turn
into contemporaries 80's ideas but not sounding like a revival.
music of a band is a result of the musical affinities of their components.This
is not chosen, because is only an answer to what their members have
heard, seen or lived in their lives. Only Mario, who plays keyboards,
had lived that 80's age.
In fact, we had lived the 90's alternative rock explosion with Nirvana,
and we have only had heard old styles by chance: if someone talks
about a band or wears
a t-shirt of some group, this will mean something.
To be interested for something is better than fashion or revivals.
We have heard dark and post punk music from late 70's early 80's,
and noise music from late 80's early 90's for a long time. Today,
with the electroclash movement, with groups like Miss Kittin, some
could say that we are living a revival.
There are more bands inspired in the 80's. This could be because the
generation that grew up hearing New Order, The Cure, and The Smiths
wants to tell similar things in a similar way. However, in the 80's
this kind of music was for the masses, and today is only for some
gothic or independent movements."
-Yeah! What a cool group! Pay attention to this band!
Now, we want to know something about what Entartete Kunst mean, their
dark aesthetic, their logo...Their name means "degenerate art",
the infamous exhibition that takes place in 1937 by the nazis where
they treat works from Picasso, Chagall, Klee or Kandinsky as dispensable,
degenerated, degradated,...and unappropiated with the idea of the
new german man.Very interesting, but maybe a bit arty for a rock band?
like Crass, Hüsker Dü, Einstürzende Neubauten, Bauhaus,
Dead Kennedys or Black Flag, also use a logo like a direct reference.
Our logo is easier to remember than our name. Besides, we want that
our fans could paint our logo
on the walls.
On the other hand, some of our favourite bands were misunderstoods,
or also known as arties, intellectuals or snobs. We never have heard
someone that accuse Nick Cave of being pretentious because he usually
wears a dress jacket, reads poetry or write songs about the holy bible."
-That's true, but he has succeeded in live just like should do this
band, one of the betters bands that someone could hear if music is
understood like a symbiosis between the man, the intellect, and the
machine. I think they should be fans of OT (a Popstars Tv show) and
mass media music, because this is the total degradation of the music
as an art.
is always art. OT, Las Ketchup and whathever you want is only the
panem et circensis that people needs. We don't think this is a degradation.
This is just a mass media product to get many profits."
-It's maybe this present time a great moment for Entartete Kunst althought
they're not in the 80's revival...
in this moment there are not many 80's style bands here, and we prefer
the genuines: Aviador Dro and Esplendor Geométrico.
In central europe there is a lot of 80's movement, bands and clubs,
but in Barcelona is only an amateur movement. Certainly, there are
some 80's bands that are recording new LP's but usually with a poor
result. I'ts obvious that the possibility to see bands like Bauhaus
will always be a pleasure, and furthermore, this new 80's bands recordings
kept that 80's sound."
-What about their next projects after their wonderful demo?
we hope that someone could be interested in our music and allows us
to record an LP. After that we will committed suicide.
Althought we are not 24 years old like Ian Curtis, we could do it
at 27 like Kurt Cobain or be crucifixed at 33. The keyboard player
will earn lots of money because he's the oldest.
We don't feel like a rara avis, but we know that we're neither in
the dark not in the indie scene. We are not in the modern electronic
movement, because our music is not electronic.We only do a mixture
of everything we like, and this is the final result. Our style is
not a simply revival, is nearest to actual independent groups.
We have more things in common with bands like Beef, than with other
actual bands.